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Author: Nomic Team

Improve AI Model Performance with Embedding Visualization and Evaluation

Improve AI Model Performance with Embedding Visualization and Evaluation

Imagine you’re building a product classification system for an online marketplace. Your accuracy was promising at first, but as the product catalog grew, you started seeing mislabeled items and confused categories—like kitchen gadgets tagged under office supplies. Every dataset refresh introduced more anomalies, and your confusion matrix was all over the place.

Enter Nomic Atlas: within minutes of uploading your embeddings, you see clusters in the embedding space—some of which overlap suspiciously, pointing to potential mislabels. A quick fix of these labels boosts your classification accuracy by a noticeable margin. That’s the real power of embedding visualization with Atlas.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Embedding Visualization Matters
  2. Setting Up Your Environment for Atlas
  3. Uploading Embeddings to Atlas
  4. Visualizing and Interpreting Embeddings in Atlas
  5. Real-World Use Cases & Debugging
  6. How Atlas Stands Out
  7. Conclusion and Next Steps

Why Embedding Visualization Matters

Many AI/ML teams face pressing challenges—ranging from mislabeled data in large classification tasks to overlapping decision boundaries in recommendation engines. The root of these problems often lies in how embeddings represent concepts in high-dimensional space.

Embedding visualization pinpoints these issues by giving you a bird's-eye view of how your data clusters. Nomic Atlas makes this interactive and shareable, so that every stakeholder—from data scientist to product manager—spots trouble areas quickly.

"Atlas was able to improve SmarterX's productivity by 92%, reducing what once required a 90-day time crunch to a single week's workflow. Atlas gave us a roadmap to optimize our models and embeddings rapidly."
Data Science Lead, SmarterX

Setting Up Your Environment for Atlas

Ready to follow along in real-time? Sign up for a free Nomic Atlas account to experience the visualizations firsthand. Then install the dependencies:

pip install nomic numpy

Logging into Atlas

Acquire your Nomic API key and log in via Python:

import nomic

With your API key in place, you’re set to begin uploading and visualizing embeddings in Atlas.

Uploading Embeddings to Atlas (Synthetic Demo)

To illustrate how Atlas works, let’s generate a 128-dimensional embedding dataset with three synthetic clusters. While this is an artificial example, the process remains the same for real-world embeddings (e.g., text, images, or user behavior vectors).

Generate Synthetic Data and Labels

from nomic import AtlasDataset
import numpy as np

n_per_class = 150 
embedding_dim = 128

embedding_cluster_1 = np.random.normal(loc=-1, scale=.1, size=(n_per_class, embedding_dim))
labels_cluster_1 = np.zeros(n_per_class)

embedding_cluster_2 = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=.1, size=(n_per_class, embedding_dim))
labels_cluster_2 = np.zeros(n_per_class) + 1

embedding_cluster_3 = np.random.normal(loc=1, scale=.1, size=(n_per_class, embedding_dim))
labels_cluster_3 = np.zeros(n_per_class) + 2

labels = np.concatenate([labels_cluster_1, labels_cluster_2, labels_cluster_3], axis=0)
embeddings = np.concatenate([embedding_cluster_1, embedding_cluster_2, embedding_cluster_3], axis=0)

data = [
    {'class': f'class_{label}', 'id': i} 
    for i, label in enumerate(labels)

Here, each cluster represents a different class (class_0, class_1, and class_2) in a toy dataset.

Load the Embeddings and Labels into Atlas

dataset = AtlasDataset(
    description='Visualizing three embedding clusters',

dataset.add_data(embeddings=embeddings, data=data)
data_map = dataset.create_index(topic_model=False)

After creating the map, Atlas will generate a shareable URL. You can open this link in your browser to interact with the embedded 2D map.

Visualizing and Interpreting Embeddings in Atlas

Opening your Atlas link, you’ll see a dynamic map that projects high-dimensional embeddings into a 2D space. Here’s what to watch for:

Atlas offers multiple features to inspect and debug:

Real-World Use Cases & Debugging

While the synthetic example is a starting point, real-world scenarios often involve text embeddings (e.g., from BERT or OpenAI), product images, or user behavioral patterns. Here’s how teams typically leverage Atlas:

Spot Mislabeled Data for Product Classification

For a large e-commerce site, mislabeled entries (like "Vacuum Cleaner" tagged under "Kitchen Utensils") can create overlapping clusters. In Atlas, these mislabeled points stand out when you color by "true label." Correcting them can quickly boost classification accuracy.

Troubleshoot Overlapping Sentiment Classes

If you have "positive," "neutral," and "negative" sentiment embeddings, you might see they aren’t cleanly separated. By observing how points cluster and overlap, you can decide whether to apply advanced contrastive learning or regularization to improve separation.

Detect Feature Drift in Real-Time

Over months, user behavior evolves, or new products are introduced. Re-uploading updated embeddings to Atlas helps you see if clusters shift or merge, signaling a potential drop in model performance.

Before & After Comparisons

Upload your dataset before label corrections or embedding tweaks, then upload another snapshot after. Seeing side-by-side improvement (tighter clusters, fewer outliers) motivates teams and confirms your changes are working.

Want to follow along with your own data right now?
Sign up here and try a quick test with your latest embeddings. You can use the same code snippet above—just replace embeddings and data with your real vectors and metadata.

How Atlas Stands Out

You might wonder, "Why use Atlas if I can run UMAP, t-SNE, or TensorBoard locally?" Here are a few differentiators:

Shareable Interactive Maps:

No more static screenshots. You can share a live map with teammates, who can zoom, filter, and annotate in real time.

Easy Collaboration & Metadata Filters:

Upload not just vectors, but also metadata fields (like product category, sentiment labels, user segments). Filter or color by any combination, fostering deeper team discussions.

Powerful Topic Modeling:

If you want more than a scatterplot, Atlas offers topic modeling and text searching to group and interpret textual data at scale.


Large datasets can quickly bog down local tools. Atlas handles big embedding files in the cloud, so you don’t have to worry about local resource limits.

Simply put, Atlas doesn’t just visualize—it helps you debug, explore, and collaborate on embeddings efficiently.

Next Steps

Embedding visualization is more than a cool chart—it’s a powerful diagnostic step in your AI/ML pipeline. Whether you’re tackling product mislabeling, sentiment confusion, or classification drift, seeing how your embeddings cluster in Atlas can surface hidden issues and guide meaningful improvements.

Ready to Improve Your Model?

  1. Sign up for Atlas and upload a real dataset (product info, user reviews, customer feedback, etc).
  2. Inspect cluster separations, identify mislabeled data, and compare before-and-after scenarios.
  3. Iterate on your model—try new embedding techniques or label corrections—and see immediate feedback in Atlas.

Learn More

Deep Dive: Check out our documentation for advanced guides.
Customer Spotlight: SmarterX saw dramatic classification improvements by using Atlas for systematic data and model debugging.

By making embedding visualization central to your ML workflow, you’ll catch misclassifications early, reduce label errors, and provide more accurate AI services to your users. Get started with Atlas today, debug your embeddings, and watch your model performance climb.

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“Henceforth, it is the map that precedes the territory” – Jean Baudrillard